A while ago my brother and I created a virtual team of The Chad for our Pro Evolution Soccer game so I could at least virtually enjoy the virtual taste of virtual success. Despite a rocky start in the first season the Virtual Chad have blossomed into a force to be reckoned with. And here are the key players of this glorious team;
The Deadly Forward
The Target-Man
The Dribbler (Yes I realise it looks noting like Kas, but that's about as close as the facial presets got... and I really can't explain why I spelt his last name wrong)
The Tank
The Tackler
The Gatekeeper
Obviously we need some extra players since the real world Chad has only 7 players plus Kas who fills in from time to time -
The Mongorian
The Astroboy
The Spartan
The Axe
Hopefully The Chad can get a few more wins this season.
The virtual Chad got promoted to the top division first season in. In top flight football, they got the treble in its very first season. They won the league, the league cup and the European cup.
The real life Chad, on the other hand, have struggled to win a game.
I think you people need to recruit Cordner into the real life Chad.
i think u should shut your piehole samuel
i agree with josh. i also find it hilarious that some of those characters are actually not bad likenesses...
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